Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swing Low Sweet Chariot

Take a looksy at my pregnant miniature horse mare, Bows... Holy Shmoly! The minis are all still toting around their winter bulk of fur, but still... she's HUGE! Her stomach is practically sweeping the ground! Poor thing... We've never bred her before, and seeing how large she is, I'm hoping she's going to be okay. Maybe she just LOOKS dramatically larger than the average pregnant horse because she's so tiny. This might be something similar to how my heighth of 5'9" spread my weight and proportion out just a tad bit more than my sweet 5'2" sister-in-law, Nancy. The baby has to fit somewhere, right? I just have more room to carry the load, and perhaps that's the same scenario with Bows. Maggie was bred on the same date, but she looks nowhere near the size. Time for the Doc to make a farm call and check out the girls!


  1. Okay Donna- If you keep updating your blog everyday you are going to make the other sister-in-laws look QUITE lazy! I do enjoy reading your blog.......will you post some pictures of Bella for me? I'm having Woody withdraws!!!!

  2. My sister-in-laws could never be accused of being lazy! Thanks for reading and commenting, Kelli. Pics of Bella being posted tonight :)
