Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Happiness Factor

A factor is defined as something that actively contributes to a result or accomplishment. The results or accomplishments of THIS day were few, and those that we did have were lack luster and unsatisfactory. We saddled up a horse, in the hopes of riding a bit, only to find that she was on pins and needles (for some unexplainable horse psychology reason...) and not in the right temperament to ride. I tried to take Geoffrey out of his pen to switch him over to another, and he was so wild, rearing up at me (all 37 inches of him...but still...) and being a total stinker, that I put him right back in the same corral and waited for Kevin to get done working. My eyelids had a hard time staying open, today, as well. I seriously could have slept ALL day, I was so tired. Kevin DID get the swamp cooler hooked up, however, and that WAS an accomplishment... so kudos to Kevin. Where did the word kudos come from, anyway... hmm...?

So, what happened today? I did not find any joy in working outside, driving in the car, sleeping, playing with the animals, reminding kids to do school work, etc. I DID have about 20 minutes of fun playing dodgeball with the girls in our stake, but as soon as we were outta there... you guessed it... gone. Where was the happiness factor that makes all of my accomplishments for the day more worthwhile? It must be hiding in the closet behind that box of spare socks, or perhaps IT took the vacation to Hawaii that I've been dreaming about for months! Wherever it is... it's not here with me and I NEED it back. Without it, I can't seem to get anything done, or at least not done well, and I am, quite simply, a pill to be around. I'm not sure how anyone in my family can stand to be around me... I know I can't stand to be around me, so it must be bad. At least my family members can get away from me - I don't have it that easy!

Ah well... The old adage of "tomorrow is a new day" is true, I suppose, and perhaps if I make myself attractive enough, my happiness factor will come back to me and stay for good... or at least for awhile. In the meantime, my kids are talking about boogers, my dog has terribly gruesome gas, and my room looks like it was visited by a laundry-barfing monster who puked all over the place.


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