Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Few More Pics...

Earlier today, we attended the ward auction and activity day, where Dayton got to take part in the trap shoot competition. They shot clay pigeons and goose eggs above the river - what a blast! Here's a few more photos of Brad's visit, as well.


  1. I was gonna ask when I saw that tie-dye- is that Kevin wearing one of Brads shirts?

  2. Hey - I found you on here! I am inviting you to my blogs, and many a question may be answered there! Get a drink and kick up your feet, it is a LONG blog!
    Love, Tracy

    PS. Glad the kids were trap shooting and not aiming to get trespassers off the property!

  3. Mandi... Kevin and Brad DO look so much alike! Kevin's never owned a tie-dyed shirt in his life, but I think Brad might just have enough to make up for the whole family :) Thanks for checking in!

  4. Hi Tracy... I'm excited to check out your blog! Thanks for letting me know! Long is awesome, right? Sure hope so, seeing as I'm about as longwinded as one gets!

    Peace Out...
