Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Countdown...

to wake-up in five hours is getting closer and closer! It might help if I actually went to sleep (easier to wake up that way). We are heading down to Farmington for a niece's baby blessing and living out in the boonies means we've got to get off early! So, I'll keep this brief. (yes... I can do that)

We picked up the boys from NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) and the Kodiak camp at Camp Bartlett. They were up there for the whole week and had a fantastic time. I even missed them (yes... I can do that, too). I'll be posting pictures just as soon as I bring the camera in from the car and IF... IF Kevin's computer cooperates. You see, my computer has taken the much needed vacation I was longing for and refuses to turn on. Eee gads. The HP should have been named the TP, since flushing it down the toilet may be all it's good for anymore!

Summer is almost come and gone for us. I can't believe it. School starts in a wee few weeks and I am definitely not ready for that. We're still making some decisions on schools... nothing like waiting till the last minute. Didn't Carly Simon write a song about us? Pro-crast-in-a-a-tion is making me wait... right... (I really do know the real song, but I have to humor myself somehow) I'm going to miss my kids being home. I suppose I can just be grateful I've had them home as much as I have with the whole homeschooling gig over the years. We have the two youngest girls signed up at a charter school about twenty-five minutes away from us and we are still contemplating that decision. What fun is decision making if you can't rehash the same options over and over again and remake it once or twice? Double the fun, I always say.

Barbara's oldest gets married on the 15th of August and I am heading down with my other sister, Laura, her gorgeous daughter, Cadence, and my one in a million folks, Loren & Julianna. Should be nice and hot in Phoenix just about then, so obviously, I'm looking forward to it. Nothing like having a sweat ring in your wedding photos, huh? Nice visual. Really, though, I am looking forward to seeing my sister and her family, and her family's family, and so on and so on. Megan will be a beautiful bride and I love her dearly... thus I will also love the 120 degree weather dearly and the fourteen hour drive dearly... but who's counting?! Certainly not me.

Just as an update: Snake eggs are kaput. Sorry to all of you who were looking forward to my little hatchlings as much as I was, but the eggs went all moldy and sunken in and got the stink of death about them. Anything with the death stink has got to go... wait... except for my teenage kids who quite often have the stink of death about them, but are much too dear to throw out like a tupperware dish full of snake eggs. Who ever said I didn't care... see? I care...

In conclusion, you should all take note that a Sara Lee pumpkin pie does not taste any better at one in the morning than it did during the coherent hours. Let the record reflect that bad is bad, no matter what the hour. And with that, I bid you farewell...adieu...auf wiedersehen and goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my nightowl pseudosista... Blow a kiss for me as you approach our old stomping grounds, and I hope you have a fun time and a safe drive.

    Zoe begins her 2nd year of preschool in a month as well. Pretty soon, training bras and ear piercing will follow and then the keys to the car. Sigh. At least I will have more time to devote to repping for CORE4 and photography as well as more time for me. Me time. Wow!

    Dang, I really wanted to see the baby snakes - well, just go out back and fetch another one! :) I would freak out and scream if I saw one here, where you Ms. Farm Super Woman, would just take off your belt and lasso it up in a flash.

    Last note: I make a killer pumpkin cheesecake and I know you would write me into your will if I give you the recipe!
