Monday, October 4, 2010

History Repeats Itself

I am feeling very thoughtful tonight after reading a friend's post on facebook about Boyd K. Packer's talk in conference this weekend. The gay and lesbian community is in an uproar over his words...words that have not changed over the history of time...words about homosexuality. I was troubled to read that the President of the HRC painted a picture of his conference talk as one of hate and condemnation. He even went so far as to say that our church deems gays and lesbians as undeserving of love. Where he got that, I do not know. My friend posted something I did not understand, but when I read the name Packer in her post I asked her what she meant. After much thought and inspiration I wrote her the following and wish to share it with you:

With all due respect, because you know I have that for you, I felt none of the hatred and scorn that the HRC paints of Elder Packer's conference talk. But you know, Prophets and Apostles have always been hated because they deliver messages that are going to be unpopular to different groups of people. Eleven out of the twelve original apostles were put to death because they would not recant their testimony of the resurrection of Christ. I would say that there are plenty of people who would like to see Boyd K. Packer deceased for his words...words that should come as no surprise to anyone. It was Dallin H. Oaks who was hated last year over the same issue. I have no doubt they would willingly suffer death rather than recant what they know in THEIR hearts to be true. I would do the same. I love Boyd K. Packer. I have a testimony of his apostalic calling and those of the other twelve and first presidency of the church. Perhaps in the next few years they will say something that offends me or that I don't want to hear. I wonder if I will suddenly lose my testimony and belief in prophets and apostles because my lifestyle is no longer in harmony with their teachings. I hope not, but many have. How many left the church when the blacks received the priesthood, because they didn't think it was right? How many left when President Benson taught from the pulpit that mothers who could, should stay home with their children? Many women who had a testimony of the divine calling of President Benson suddenly lost their faith in him as a prophet because they now disagreed or felt defensive at what he was saying. How many have left the church over their stance on gay marriage and Prop 8? Plenty, I'm sure. But, you see, it's not them who are changing what they preach. They have always taught these principles, but when they are reiterated at a politically charged time when the majority seems to be bowing to the wants and desires of the minority, folks get bent out of shape and decide the church is no longer true and that the Prophets and Apostles are no longer men of God. I feel love from President Monson, and that's not because I am a straight girl...I feel his love for the gay and lesbian community. The church has never preached hate, but to read that HRC president's remarks, he makes it sound like that is exactly what Elder Packer did. I guess we heard/read two different conference addresses. Elder Packer, Elder Oaks, President Monson...they are all just modern day "Samuel the Lamanite" figures and the world is desperately trying to shoot them off of the wall they are standing on. I hope to never find myself as one of the crowd shooting the arrows at the Prophets of the Lord. I love you, my friend, and I barely know you. I sense a deep, compassionate, loving, hurt, confused, and good heart in you. I hope you can come to a peaceful resolution with your thoughts and feelings about your life as a member of the LDS faith. Perhaps you are no longer a member and have requested your name taken off the records of the church. Whatever the case may be, I know God loves you, the Prophets and Apostles love you and me and everyone on this beautiful earth. Jesus loves you and is mindful of your situation and your feelings. Please don't buy into the hatred that certain groups are propagating, because it simply is not there being directed at the people they say it is. I really feel this in my heart to be true.

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